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  • Writer's pictureKaren

Sand Casting

Just over 2 years ago I attended a Sand Casting day course run by Kirra-lea. At the time I was a new Mum and had only had about 2 hours sleep. Playing with molten metal didn't seem like the wisest idea but I was still ridiculously excited about it.

On the day all things were provided and we were taught how to cast sapphires in place. Getting it all set up so the metal could flow and secure the gems took a little bit of practice but the results are so rewarding! I especially love that if a casting doesn't flow fully (or you just don't like it) - melt it down!

It is extremely freeing creatively to know you can start again from scratch within minutes.

Here in Melbourne we are currently in Lockdown number 5 and I have been spending time shaping some wax forms to create a sand cast range. I am still playing around testing ideas but I am really enjoying the process. Carving the wax is quite relaxing and the actual casting part is exciting.

When you cast in sand the texture of the grains gets imprinted on the silver giving each piece a distinct surface and bold personality. I am emphasizing this by going for quite a rough form with crude angles and rough sapphires. So far each of the rings looks great on their own BUT stacking them. Well that takes it to the next level.

I really cant wait to share them with you all. Until then here is a little tease of my molten pretties.

The wax forms

Some little sapphires hugging the wall defying gravity (With the help of some Paw Paw)

Ready to go!

Fresh from the sand with its sprue removed.

Quick stop for photos before final polish.

I cant emphasize enough just how much I enjoy this process and really looking forward to presenting it all to you fully.

Now to decide on oxidising some or not...

* If this sounds like something you would like to try for yourself I highly recommend Kirra-lea's course! Check out her website for course dates/locations.

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