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  • Writer's pictureKaren

Meet Bigfoot

Let’s start with a confession.

I almost didn’t buy this stunning hunk of a gem.

It was 2009 at the Gemboree in Horsham. I had already spent 95% of my $ and spied this at one of the Tailgaters stands. I remember holding it for ages.

It was more than I had left in my pocket but I NEEDED IT. I know you know what I mean.

I tried to be good.

I put it down and walked away telling myself if it was still there later it was meant to be. Over the next 2 and a bit hours I did about 5 laps of all the stalls and hunted down an ATM. You know. Just in case.

I really didn’t expect this to still be there. I thought it was too awesome to survive long without being snapped up.

I was so happy to find him there waiting for me! Best $80 I have ever spent and looking back a total bargain too! Out of my entire collection Bigfoot is still my favourite to this day. He is also my only piece with a title.

If you were to buy one of my sand cast medallions there is a strong chance an imprint of a small section of this Elestial quartz will feature on the reverse. I just find it so captivating I hope you enjoy it too!

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