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  • Writer's pictureKaren

Jewellery Photography Woes

A while back I posted that I was playing around with my images.

Well. I am still not entirely happy.

I was okay with the results I was getting previously... that was until I created my 'Rugged Gems' rings and the photos just don't do them justice at all.

It was very disheartening and now I currently have 16 pairs of drop earrings yet to be listed as I don't feel 100% comfortable with the images!

The saying 'If it is worth doing, it is worth doing properly' has been on repeat in the back of my mind for the last few days.

That being said. I am not a professional photographer and cant help but wonder if I am setting the bar too high for myself?

If you haven't taken photos of jewellery before you might be surprised just how different they can look under different lighting.

Here are the same earrings, photographed with my phone, on the same day in the same room. No editing other than cropping to a square shape.

Can you see why I am putting so much pressure on myself here? They look completely different!

In the first you cant see the colour of the Lapis Lazuli and in the second the silver is over exposed causing it to flare out. The reflections are also a bit distracting. So frustrating!

I think a lot of it is coming down to lighting so I have taken the plunge and ordered a super fancy light box! This will mean a few things.

  1. I wont need to wait for a sunny day and having kid free time to magically align.

  2. I will be able to control the light source from 3 separate angles (YAY!!)

  3. It has a rotating turntable so I can do little film clips!

  4. I will be able to manage refection's on the polished metal easier.

  5. This one is the most important. I will be able to take photos at night time when the kids are asleep! No more waiting for the stars to align. Yes I know this was also number 1 but it is a massive big deal lol.

I thought about buying the light box for 3 days before deciding it was an essential investment. I excitedly phoned to place my order only to be told they are on back order and not expected to even arrive in Australia until the last day of October (assuming they don't get held up in the post!).

Because of this news I have decided to upload the images of the earrings that I am not 100% happy with and simply take new photos once my new toy arrives. The lower grade images might not do them justice but with all the delays Australia Post is having at the moment some people have begun Christmas shopping already!

I want my customers to have all the available options visible now and not too late to receive them for Christmas.

This year is going to have big troubles on that front and I highly recommend that you select Express Post as your shipping option. Australia Post has be putting holds on regular parcels randomly without much notice lately but assure people Express Parcels are still handled as priority.

I am off now to start uploading the earring images. If something catches your eye and you would like some more images please use the contact us button and I will email you some more photos.

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