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  • Writer's pictureKaren

Instant guru - Not! Excited - Yes!

So I bought Photoshop Elements about 6 years ago and just fumbled through and learnt about 3-5 things. I can see how awesome photoshop would be if I took the time to learn how to use it. I simply got sidetracked by one of those curve balls life throws sometimes.

Last week I wanted to edit some photos a bit better than what you can do with the standard adjustments available on your phone.

I can hear real photographers groaning and covering their eyes about now. Yes I pretty much use my phone for everything but I think that is going to change.

I just got ridiculously excited about being able to layer a logo (professionally made) on to a photo of some Selenite. The text I added through Wix as my photoshop is so old it doesn't have the font I needed....

Basically I can now see even more potential than before for photoshop if I just knew how.

I am going to be watching youtube tutorials and also trying to figure out how to move Photoshop Elements from a super old slow computer over to this one to see if I can bring some of my random new ideas to life.

Here is the image that started this new idea I have brewing. I am hoping one day I will look back and laugh at how basic of a thing got me so excited.

Here is is.

My creation!

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