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  • Writer's pictureKaren

Grandmas Ring

So I have been thinking a bit about what jewellery actually means to me personally.

For me it has always been a way to express myself but also a way to carry rocks and enjoy them on a daily basis!

My engagement ring is a colour change sapphire (purple/blue) and my favourite bracelet is a sterling silver skull piece, which from a distance just looks like round silver beads. It has a lovely weight to it and feels so good to wear!

I tend to lean towards things a bit left of centre but they are always practical in the sense they are durable and wont rip holes in my clothes lol.

I know that some people buy jewellery for 'investment' or to follow fashion trends. To some it can be a status symbol and others simply see something they like and buy it. How ever you choose your jewellery, it does say something about your personality, whether you realise it consciously or not.

I have been thinking about all of this for a couple of reasons.

Since becoming a Mum I haven't been wearing any of my jewellery and recently I have been given a ring that belonged to my Grandma.

The ring itself is her original engagement ring.

She hasn't worn it for a very long time (she upgraded like many women do) and I have no memory of her wearing it.

The thing that makes it special is the person it belonged to and the story that goes with it.

My Grandad, on his 21st Birthday, was given 21 pound from his Uncle. This ring cost exactly 21 Pound.

Grandma told me that she was very frustrated as the day she was meant to collect it from being resized that she couldn't. Why? The King had died and the store was closed!

Can you imagine! The excitement of getting engaged and not being able to collect your ring! This was on the 6th of Feb 1952.

The ring now is extremely worn and in need of restoration.

What I am having trouble with is deciding if I get it sized to my finger or keep it in my Grandmas size and one day give it to my daughter (who is not even a year old yet).

What does this ring MEAN to me? This ring is special and I cherish it purely because of who it belonged to. Do I want to be able to wear it myself? Honestly. Right this moment I simply don't know. I am leaning towards yes but will think on it for a few more days yet.

We tend to attach more emotion to jewellery than any other objects in our lives.

Is it because of jewellery's longevity?

Is it because it is kept close and treasured by our loved ones?

Is it what it represents?

When I look at the ring I think of my Grandma even though I never saw her wear it. I think of my Grandad spending every cent of his money to propose to her and I think of the many wonderful years they spent together.

All of this from just a bit of metal and a stone.

Jewellery is pretty amazing.

I am going to start wearing my jewels again. Even if it is just at home, in my trackies, changing the kids nappies.

RIP to my amazing Grandma

Beverly Flora Hay

25.08.1930 - 18.06.2021

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1 Comment

Mara Murphy
Mara Murphy
Jun 22, 2021

Vale, Beverly. I feel the same way about my nanna’s recipes and cooking Stuff as you do about jewellery. i have a mixing bowl, coffee grinder, roasting pan and china cup and saucer that were all handed down to her from her own grandmother. How many thousand of meals and drinks must they have seen? through two world wars and the Great Depression... there’s some kind of user memory embedded in objects that were worn or otherwise used daily by someone. Like a little piece of their human-ness leaves an impression in the inanimate material somehow. I wonder if people who say they’re psychic and can “feel” where the item has been, what it has done and who it belonged…

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