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  • Writer's pictureKaren

Evolution Baby!

Though it has been gradual I am pretty excited where Something with Stones is at currently. From a shared stall at Market 3196 selling mostly vintage jewellery and a few things I had made, to live markets focusing on fun random gems and jewels to now stocking my jewellery in the fabulous incube8r in Fitzroy!

I surprised myself in June signing up to become a cuber on impulse and I am absolutely loving it.

What is incube8r?

Incube8r is an amazing gallery/store (with 2 locations) stocking handmade local items ranging from paintings to stickers, clothes, pottery, jewellery and more! Each artist rents a cube. Mine is 40cm square (in the Fitzroy store) and currently predominately rings. Because they are also listed online to buy through incube8r I have removed anything for sale at incube8r from this page. I would absolutely hate for something to sell in the physical store and then someone click to purchase it here. I know the chances of this are extremely slim but I would rather avoid disappointing someone!

Until I can build up my stock levels this site will be a tad bare but have no fear! Incube8r have a very awesome website where you can see/buy Something with Stones jewellery in the meantime.

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